
some days i just can’t make sense of it the working day gone so quickly so pointlessly so disappointingly wrong. when i limp home beaten and despondent the neat little student sitting across from me on the tram lifts her phone starts to make a call and suddenly vomits on the floor there isn’t much I can do but I offer her a small packet of tissues to wipe her hand »

crash or crash through

Dream (last Saturday morning): I hop into a car with…somebody (not sure who). He’s driving. We seem to be leaving from my parents’ house, and he’s driving rather quickly, not stopping as we cross the intersections. When we reach Springvale Rd, he turns right without stopping. We go too wide, and miss the road. We miss the service lane, too. “So this is it,” I think, “we’re crashing”, and let my body relax as we head straight for a house. »