all the way to preston

the galaxies and stars seem so far away right now i can’t go home yet i’m needed to empty my head for some eager young space cadet but it’s not so bad and when i leave i’m on the sunny side of the homeward tram heading north someone reading a crime novel beside me if i stare harder out the window maybe things will make a bit more sense »

we are glass

the restaurant’s empty but the door’s open we walk in figuring we’d been neglecting it a bit lately what with the new one just across the road and all but nobody comes she even walks up to the kitchen where we hear movement and says “hello?” but nothing they can’t say we didn’t try it’s nothing fancy no stone lions in the entry way but i guess it just seems »


it’s that kind of evening “i got the fear” the phone rings i recoil i can’t not tonight please »


a warm tram home women jostle for seats as we trundle up brunswick street on the way in this morning more drinkers one talker plus a few listeners saying “yair” or “too right” every few sentences the talker says how he gets on with the aboriginals ’cause he’s spiritual too y’know if he puts his jumper on backwards it stays that way all day »

order, oughta

empty weekend attempting to make use of the extra time while i couldn’t use the laptop but feeling like i couldn’t go too far just in case i was a few minutes out the door and had to turn back to help for instance so i stayed close and felt vulnerable in the afternoon sun ipod on random when purple sneakers popped up maybe that’s what started it off »