the carnival within

when i sleep tonight i’ll throw myself into the ink hands behind head trying to invent another pleasant distraction for a whole third of my day when i rise tomorrow it’ll all be forgotten for the most part but moments will appear in tiny flashbacks all through the week. »


dream: i don’t remember much just the blurry image of us driving up some busy road huge Chinese restaurants all with flowery names lined the left side of the street fishtanks just inside the door so you could choose simply by driving by assuming the traffic didn’t get you first. »

it’s a game

dream: I called an old friend. “Next time we play, my character’s going to [what?] to X’s character.” He didn’t say much in reply, mostly giving in to the silence that surrounds such moments. If only I could remember what it was I wanted to do, and why it was so important to call him about it. »


dream: I was in a shop – for some reason I’d decided to buy a friend a new pair of jeans. She went to go and change in the stalls downstairs, which I noticed were underwater. A moment or two later she swam back up and decided it was too awkward to get changed in the water, and maybe it could wait. »

somewhere else

dream: i was on a bus watching new scenes pass me by trying to make mental notes of each interesting location so i could revisit them later when i had more time (there was a sense of needing to get to somewhere, but where?) when i awoke and told her about it she excitedly suggested “maybe you were dreaming of china?” »