goin’ back

the centre of hawthorn

It’s always a bit odd revisiting places you once frequented, a long

time ago.

There’s the hairdresser where I first had my hair bleached. I’d just

come back to work from a 2-week vacation, I needed to do something to

maintain my sense of vitality. I walked into this place on the way home

from work and asked “hi, can you bleach my hair?”. Just like that. I’d

never done it before. I’d never even considered it before.

There’s where I got my blue-coloured contact lenses, which lasted a

good few years. And there’s where I bought so many books, except now it’s

moved across the street, and has an even more overwhelmingly

bookish feel about it – classical music in the background, and

the feeling as if you’ll experience some kind of holy judgment if you so

much as sneeze in this place of peace and quiet.